Carving Lion Head- 2.2

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Learn how to cave Lion Head in Wood. Wood Carving School

Woodcarving: Carving Lion Head

  • In this Woodcarving lesson: Transcription


Probably the quickest way for me to get this job done and to get it done quick enough because I really don't have too much time and I need to provide two of them.

I mean, I need to make two of them two Lions. It's going to be the right and left sides. So I need to figure out what is going to be the quickest approach.

And for me, as I mentioned before, the Pointing machine is going to be the quickest way to get the job done. OK, so there's nothing exciting about the Pointing machine, so it's actually
pretty much straight forward. You measure you drill, you measure you drill, you measure, you
drill and then you connect those points. OK, but today I want to be on the safe side.

And when I go that drill to the point, I am going to leave approximately 5 mm. Maybe even more. Maybe some spots I am going to take like six millimeters before I hit the point. It's just to be safe.

OK, so when I go in the drill the hole, I'm going to leave a space about a quarter
inch, maybe about three sixteenth of an inch, and I'm not going to go with my hole all the way.

Now, also really important when you hold your drill when you're drilling it. So whatever the Pointing machine points, so the direction of the drill supposed to actually match, I hope it makes sense for you.

But anyway let's find multiple points, as many points as possible
and they're going to drill the holes. OK, so now what I'll do, I'll just start measuring
and digging holes. OK, so we've already got a high spot, I mean a high point, which is my nose and this one.

Now I gradually going to find the multiple points approximately maybe about I would say I'm want to be safe. If I am going to do approximately about, let's say, an inch away from each point,
so we're going to establish a one-inch grid and they'll see how it's going to work if I feel it's not too comfortable with a one-inch grid to take this down.

So then I'll just narrow it down just to make even more points. But the goal of today, to make as many points as possible, to drill as much as possible, and then we're going to start
connecting those points. OK, I hope it makes sense, let's measure it, and let's start working. And again, I am just eyeballing lowing down a needle It's going to be point number one, and I know I mentioned before, so I'm not going to cut anything from my videos or speed up. But I think to drill those holes, there is no reason he's just repeating the same process over and over,
measure just to take it to this pace, drill it, measure, drill it, measure, drill it.

So it just becomes boring to watch every point. And I'm going to take lots of points,
so please forgive me. I will probably speed up this process this time.


And I use a couple of screws because you can see it wiggles, and I want to make sure it's absolutely flat and repeats the pattern. So I'm going to put those various ways just as crude. Really important that you're not touching the Pointing machine itself when you placing that.

I actually could use just the clamp. That's all right. Make sure and you can probably see. So I have approximately an inch distance right here, so I am safe to drill approximately on that point.

And I'm using about 10 millimeters drill bit. So 10 mm, approximately three-eights of an inch. let me mark it And again, like I said, just to try to match the direction of the needle.

I think it's enough. I'm going to leave about right now about half an inch
maybe just to go a little deeper. Next point. Well, maybe I can use a smaller bit. I created multiple holes and now the next step would be actually pretty
much just to connect those holes. Those are my connecting points, OK, and I left about the I would say approximately 10 mm, some spots more, some spots less to the final.

I don't want to risk it and get to the final. This is my highest point, which I already drilled and this is my lowest point right now. And what I have to do now just to take a gouge, any big gouge will do and start digging it until I hit the bottom of the hole.

OK, and I know there is no reason for me
to show every hole on this project. As I said, this is a more advanced one. So there's no reason
to show me every step. Like I said, or every move. But get an Idea drill holes, measure the model,
every point you wish you can get great like a half an inch grid
one inch grid apart I'm talking about those points, how much apart you want to take
and then connect those points. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

OK, and then we'll do the next step.

Woodcarving: Carving Lion Head



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I have never seen this technique before, intriguing. Makes sense and moves along nicely. Thank you.

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