The Beauty of Dynamic Symmetry in Design: A Closer Look at Acanthus 4.1

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From the grandest designs to the smallest gestures, understanding the importance of every detail will take you far.

The Beauty of Dynamic Symmetry in Design: A Closer Look at Acanthus

Lesson Objective: You will understand the importance of the Fibonacci sequence in design and how it relates to the Acanthus leaf. They will also learn about dynamic symmetry and how it influences the spacing of elements in design.

Explanation: Designers use a special sequence of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence to create beautiful designs. This sequence appears in nature, and it is found in the Acanthus leaf design, which is a popular element in Baroque art. The Acanthus leaf has three or five divisions, which follow the Fibonacci sequence. Even the spacing of these divisions follows the Fibonacci sequence, making the design more appealing to the eye.

Dynamic symmetry is another important concept in design. It is the idea that the space taken by elements should be balanced and harmonious. In the Acanthus leaf, the spacing between the divisions follows dynamic symmetry and the golden ratio. This creates a balanced and harmonious design that is pleasing to the eye.

Overall, understanding the Fibonacci sequence and dynamic symmetry can help to create more aesthetically pleasing designs.

 Key points:
  • The Fibonacci sequence is important in design and should be used in the placement of flowers and other details.
  • The Acanthus design is used as an example to illustrate the Fibonacci sequence in design.
  •  The use of dynamic symmetry in the Acanthus design and the spacing within it.
  • The design in nature is impossible without wisdom, which leads them to believe in a Creator.
  • The Italian and French approaches to the Golden Ratio are discussed in relation to the Acanthus design.

Every detail matters, even the tiniest spot. Let this knowledge inspire you to create something extraordinary.

The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical concept that has been utilized in art and design for centuries. In this video, the we delve into the importance of incorporating the Fibonacci sequence into design, and how it can be used to create aesthetically pleasing designs. We will explore the concepts discussed in the video in more detail to help you understand how to incorporate the Fibonacci sequence into your own designs and how to apply it in practice.

The Fibonacci Sequence in Design.

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. This sequence can be observed in nature, and has been used as a basis for art and design for centuries. By incorporating the sequence into design, artists and designers can create more aesthetically pleasing compositions. In the video, Alexander  discusses how even the smallest details, such as the number of flowers or leaves used in a design, should follow the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence may seem like a small detail, but understanding it can lead to something grand and beautiful.

Creating an Acanthus Leaf Design

What do you call an Acanthus leaf that's bad at math? A "Fib-o-nacho" leaf!

 in the video we proceed to draw an Acanthus leaf, demonstrating how to use the Fibonacci sequence to create a design that is aesthetically pleasing. They explain that the upper part of the design is the antagonistic part, while the lower part is the hero. Alexander then shows how they intentionally divided the Acanthus leaf into three or five sections to follow the Fibonacci sequence. They also demonstrate how to establish the border of the design using a boat or leaf shape.

Applying the Fibonacci Sequence to Spacing

The Fibonacci sequence applies not only to the design itself, but also to the spaces of the design elements.Alexander explains how to use Dynamic Symmetry to calculate the spacing, which can vary depending on whether the design is French or Italian. By using the Fibonacci sequence to determine spacing, designers can create more balanced and aesthetically pleasing compositions.

Belief in a Creator

Finally, Alexander in the video expresses their belief in a Creator, as they believe it is impossible to create such intricate and beautiful designs without wisdom. While not directly related to design, this belief is important to note as it highlights the connection between nature, mathematics, and design.

Incorporating the Fibonacci Sequence into Your Own Designs

To incorporate the Fibonacci sequence into your own designs, start by observing the sequence in nature. Look for patterns in flowers, leaves, and other natural elements, and try to incorporate these patterns into your designs. When designing compositions, consider using the Fibonacci sequence to determine the number of elements and the spacing between them. By doing so, you can create more aesthetically pleasing designs that are balanced and harmonious.

Now that you understand the importance of the Fibonacci sequence, use it to create beauty in every aspect of your life.


The Fibonacci sequence is a powerful tool for designers, and has been used for centuries to create balanced and aesthetically pleasing compositions. By incorporating the sequence into your own designs and using it to determine the number of elements and spacing between them, you can create designs that are not only visually appealing, but also balanced and harmonious. As the Alexander in the video notes, the Fibonacci sequence is not just a mathematical concept, but a reflection of the beauty and wisdom of the natural world.


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