Let me introduce myself-8

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It is amazing that at about 18 years old prison interrupted your apprenticeship but you acquired all those construction skills like cabinet making and trim carpentry to have a business in home building. Home building in America is very different than home building in the USSR. Also you had to learn English. That also is miraculous.

Thank you For sharing your story with us Mr. Grabovetskiy.
I’m going through a scary time myself right now and I’m hoping to learn as much as i can here to help support my household. I don’t know what it takes to make a living from the art I create. At the same time, I still have hope and faith that God will not forsake us. He gave me this inclination for a reason and I want to take it as far as i can for as long as i can. I apologize if this makes little sense. I just wanted to express my thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with the world.

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